Royal Copenhagen Flora Danica Flowers List U-V

Here you will find pictures and information on each flower that has been produced on the Royal Copenhagen Flora Danica service. If you are aware of other flowers produced on the famous porcelain service, we at Flora Danica Online would like to reserve a picture of your item.

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Tavlen: Ulex europaeus L.

Latin: Ulex europaeus. L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 608

Production: Yes

Type: A

R.S. Reference #: 167




Ulex Europ�us L.  T 608.jpg (122740 byte) 

Tavlen: Ulmus montana Sm.

Latin: Ulmus glabra Hudson emend. Moss ssp. glabra

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 2532

Production: Yes

Type: A, B

R.S. Reference #: 455



  Ulmus Montana Sm.  T 253.jpg (113059 byte)



Tavlen: Utricularia neglecta Lehm.

Latin: Utricularia australis R. Br.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1981



R.S. Reference #:




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Tavlen: Utricularia vulgaris L.

Latin: Utricularia vulgaris L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 138

Production: Yes

Type: B

R.S. Reference #: 456




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Tavlen: Vaccinium Oxycoccus L.

Latin: Vaccinium oxycoccos L. ssp. oxycoccos

Nomenclator: Oxycoccus palustris Pers.

Tab #: 80 (same as 3019, Fig. 2, pg )

Production: Yes

Type: A, C

R.S. Reference #: 604, 684




Vaccinium Oxycoccus L.  T 80.jpg (104625 byte) 

Tavlen: Vaccinium pubescens Wormskj.

Latin: Vaccinium uliginosum L. ssp. alpinum (Bigelow) Hult�n

Nomenclator: Vaccinium uliginosum L. [beta], microphyllum Lge.

Tab #: 1516

Production: Yes

Type: C

R.S. Reference #: 685




Vaccinium Pubescens Wormskj.     T1516.jpg (89037 byte) 

Tavlen: Vaccinium uliginosum L.

Latin: Vaccinium uliginosum L. ssp. uliginosum

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 231 (same as 2469, pg )

Production: Yes

Type: A, C

R.S. Reference #: 168, 686




Vaccinium Uliginosum L.  T 231.jpg (103921 byte) 

Tavlen: Vaccinium uliginosum var. macrocarpa Drej.

Latin: Vaccinium uliginosum L. ssp. uliginosum

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 2469 (same as 231, pg )

Production: Yes

Type: B

R.S. Reference #: 457




Vaccinium Macrocarpum Drej.  T2469.jpg (114150 byte) 

Tavlen: Vaccinium Vitis idaea [beta], pumilum Horn.

Latin: Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. ssp minus (Lodd.) Hulten

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 2960

Production: Yes

Type: A

R.S. Reference #: 169




Vaccinium Vitis Idaea (Beta)  Pumillum Horn.  T 2960.jpg (107825 byte) 

Tavlen: Vaccinium Vitis idaea L.

Latin: Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. ssp. vitis-idaea

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 40

Production: Yes

Type: A, B, C

R.S. Reference #: 169, 458, 687




Vaccinium Vitis Idaea L.  T 40.jpg (105820 byte) 

Tavlen: Verbascum cuspidatum Schrad.

Latin: Verbascum densiflorum Bertol.

Nomenclator: Verbasc. thapsiforme Schrad. [beta], cuspidatum.

Tab #: 1810

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 1108



Verbascum Thapsiforme (Beta) Cuspidatum Schrad.  T 1810.jpg (188378 byte) 


Tavlen: Verbascum Lychnitis L.

Latin: Verbascum lychnitis L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 586

Production: Yes

Type: A

R.S. Reference #: 170




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Tavlen: Veronica agrestis L.

Latin: Veronica agrestis L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 2221

Production: Yes

Type: B, C, D

R.S. Reference #: 459, 688, 1109




Veronica Agrestis L.    T2221.jpg (85452 byte) 

Tavlen: Veronica agrestis Oed.

Latin: Veronica polita Fries

Nomenclator: Veronica polita Fr.

Tab #: 449

Production: Yes

Type: A

R.S. Reference #: 171




Veronica Persica Poir.  T 1982.jpg (146637 byte) 

Tavlen: Veronica alpina L.

Latin: Veronica alpina L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 16 (same as 1921, pg )

Production: Yes

Type: A, C

R.S. Reference #: 689




Veronica Alpina L.      T16.jpg (82355 byte) 

Tavlen: Veronica alpina var. corymbosa Horn.

Latin: Veronica alpina L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1921 (same as 16, pg )

Production: Yes

Type: C

R.S. Reference #: 690




Veronica Alpina var. Corymbosa Horn.  T 1921.jpg (115573 byte) 

Tavlen: Veronica arvensis L.

Latin: Veronica arvensis L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 515

Production: Yes

Type: C

R.S. Reference #: 691




Veronica Arvensis L.    T515.jpg (94198 byte) 


Tavlen: Veronica Beccabunga L.

Latin: Veronica beccabunga L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 511

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 1110




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Tavlen: Veronica Buxbaumii Ten.

Latin: Veronica persica Poiret

Nomenclator: Veronica persica Poir.

Tab #: 1982

Production: Yes

Type: B, E

R.S. Reference #: 464, 1113, 1114



Veronica Persica Poir.  T 1982.jpg (146637 byte) 


Tavlen: Veronica Chamaedrys L.

Latin: Veronica chamaedrys L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 448

Production: Yes

Type: A, B

R.S. Reference #: 172, 460




Veronica Chamaedrys L.  T 448.jpg (114883 byte) 

Tavlen: Veronica fruticulosa L.

Latin: Veronica fruticans Jacq.

Nomenclator: Veronica saxatilis L. fil.

Tab #: 342

Production: Yes

Type: C

R.S. Reference #: 692




Veronica Fruticulosa L.    T349.jpg (88529 byte) 

Tavlen: Veronica montana L.

Latin: Veronica montana L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1201

Production: Yes

Type: B, C, D, E

R.S. Reference #: 461, 693, 784, 1111





Veronica Montana L.      T1201.jpg (90288 byte) 

Tavlen: Veronica officinalis L.

Latin: Veronica officinalis L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 248 (same as 3001, pg )

Production: Yes

Type: A, B

R.S. Reference #: 462



Veronica Officinalis L.      T248.jpg (95300 byte) 


Tavlen: Veronica officinalis L. var glabrata Frist

Latin: Veronica officinalis L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 3001 (same as 248, pg )

Production: Yes

Type: A, B, E

R.S. Reference #: 173, 462, 463, 1112




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Tavlen: Veronica opaca Fr.

Latin: Veronica opaca Fries

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 2701

Production: Yes

Type: C, E

R.S. Reference #: 694, 1115




Veronica Opaca Fr.    T2701.jpg (84678 byte) 

Tavlen: Veronica praecox All.

Latin: Veronica praecox All.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 2941

Production: Yes

Type: C

R.S. Reference #: 695




Veronica Praecox All.  T 2941.jpg (105151 byte) 

Tavlen: Veronica scutellata L.

Latin: Veronica scutellata L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 209

Production: Yes

Type: C, D

R.S. Reference #: 696, 785




Veronica Scutellata L.   T209.jpg (81740 byte) 

Tavlen: Veronica scutellata L. [beta], villosa Schum.

Latin: Veronica scutellata L. var. villosa Schuhmacher

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1561

Production: Yes

Type: A, C

R.S. Reference #: 697




Veronica Scutellata L. (Beta) Villosa Schum.  T 1561.jpg (112637 byte) 

Tavlen: Veronica spicata L.

Latin: Veronica spicata L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 52

Production: Yes

Type: B, C

R.S. Reference #: 465, 786




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Tavlen: Veronica verna L.

Latin: Veronica verna L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 252

Production: Yes

Type: C

R.S. Reference #: 698




Veronica Verna L.     T252.jpg (80354 byte) 

Tavlen: Vicia angustifolia Roth.

Latin: Vicia angustifolia L. var. angustifolia

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1340

Production: Yes

Type: C, E

R.S. Reference #: 699, 1116




Vicia Angustifolia Roth.    T1340.jpg (108189 byte) 

Tavlen: Vicia cassubica L.

Latin: Vicia cassubica L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1395

Production: Yes

Type: A, E

R.S. Reference #: 174, 1117




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Tavlen: Vicia cassubica Oed.

Latin: Vicia orobus DC.

Nomenclator: Vicia Orobus DC.

Tab #: 98

Production: Yes

Type: B, E

R.S. Reference #: 466, 1118



Vicia Cassubica Oed.  T 98.jpg (180197 byte) 


Tavlen: Vicia Cracca L.

Latin: Vicia cracca L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 804

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 1119




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Tavlen: Vicia dumetorum L.

Latin: Vicia dumetorum L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1464

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 1120



Vicia Dumetorum L.     T1464.jpg (161006 byte) 


Tavlen: Vicia lathyroides L.

Latin: Vicia lathyroides L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 58

Production: Yes

Type: C

R.S. Reference #: 700



Viola Lathyroides L.  T Supp. 3   130.jpg (128470 byte) 


Tavlen: Vicia sepium L.

Latin: Vicia sepium L. var. sepium

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 699

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 1121




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Tavlen: Vicia villosa Roth.

Latin: Vicia villosa Roth ssp. villosa

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 2599

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 1124 




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Tavlen: Vicia sativa L.

Latin: Vicia sativa L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 522

Production: Yes

Type: C, D

R.S. Reference #: 701, 787  




Vicia Sativa L.  T 522.jpg (181863 byte) 

Tavlen: Vicia silvatica L.

Latin: Vicia sylvatica L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 277

Production: Yes

Type: B, E

R.S. Reference #: 468, 1122




Vicia Silvatica L.     T277.jpg (109004 byte) 

Tavlen: Vicia tenuifolia Roth.

Latin: Vicia tenuifolia Roth.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 2177

Production: Yes

Type: A, E

R.S. Reference #: 1123




Vicia Tenuifolia Roth. T2177.jpg (128592 byte) 

Tavlen: Vinca minor L.

Latin: Vinca minor L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1813

Production: Yes

Type: A, B, E

R.S. Reference #: 175, 469, 1125




Vinca Minor L.  T 1813.jpg (118759 byte) 

Tavlen: Viola arvensis Murr.

Latin: Viola arvensis Murray

Nomenclator: Viola tricolor L. var.

Tab #: 1748

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 1126




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Tavlen: Viola biflora L.

Latin: Viola biflora L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 46

Production: Yes

Type: A

R.S. Reference #: 176




Viola Biflora L.  T 46.jpg (106162 byte) 

Tavlen: Viola canina Horn.

Latin: Viola riviniana Reichenb.

Nomenclator: Viola silvatica Fr.

Tab #: 1453

Production: Yes

Type: A, B

R.S. Reference #: 177, 470




Viola Canina Horn.  T 1453.jpg (109528 byte)

Tavlen: Viola canina L. (Viola ericetorum Schrad.).

Latin: Viola epipsila Ledeb.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 2646

Production: Yes

Type: A, C

R.S. Reference #: 178, 179, 702




Viola Canina L.  T 2646.jpg (114580 byte) 

Tavlen: Viola elatior Fr.

Latin: Viola elatior Fries

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: Suppl. 2, 68

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 1127




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Tavlen: Viola epipsila Ledeb.

Latin: Viola epipsila Ledeb.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 2405

Production: Yes

Type: A, C

R.S. Reference #: 179, 702




Viola Epipsila Ledeb.  T 2405.jpg (101852 byte) 

Tavlen: Viola hirta L.

Latin: Viola hirta L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 618

Production: Yes

Type: A, C

R.S. Reference #: 180, 703




Viola Hirta L.  T 618.jpg (109389 byte) 

Tavlen: Viola mirabili x silvatica P. Nielsen

Latin: Viola mirabilis x reichenbachiana

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 2950

Production: Yes

Type: B, E

R.S. Reference #: 471, 1128




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Tavlen: Viola mirabilis L.

Latin: Viola mirabilis L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1045

Production: Yes

Type: B

R.S. Reference #: 472




Viola Mirabilis L.  T 1045.jpg (121559 byte) 


Tavlen: Viola montana L.

Latin: Viola canina L. ssp. montana (L.) Hartman

Nomenclator: Viola canina var. montana (L.).

Tab #: 1329

Production: Yes

Type: A, B

R.S. Reference #: 181, 473




Viola Montana L.  T 1329.jpg (107329 byte) 

Tavlen: Viola M�hlenbergiana (Ging.) [beta], minor Hook.

Latin: Viola labradorica Schrank

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 2710

Production: Yes

Type: C

R.S. Reference #: 704




Ice Dome   Viola Muhlenbergiana Hook    T2710.jpg (114209 byte) 

Tavlen: Viola odorata L.

Latin: Viola odorata L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 309

Production: Yes

Type: A, B

R.S. Reference #: 182, 474




Viola Odorata L.  T 309.jpg (123534 byte) 

Tavlen: Viola palustris L.

Latin: Viola palustris L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 83

Production: Yes

Type: A, C

R.S. Reference #: 183, 705


Viola Palustris L.    T83.jpg (178363 byte) 


Tavlen: Viola stricta Horn.

Latin: Viola persicifolia Schreber

Nomenclator: Viola stagnina Kit. [alfa], stricta (Horn.).

Tab #: 1812

Production: Yes

Type: B, E

R.S. Reference #: 475, 1129



Viola Stagnina Kit.   T1812.jpg (162578 byte) 


Tavlen: Viola tricolor L.

Latin: Viola tricolor L. ssp. tricolor

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 623

Production: Yes

Type: A, B, E

R.S. Reference #: 184, 476, 1130




Viola Tricolor L.      T623.jpg (112600 byte) 

Tavlen: Viola tricolor var. arenaria Sond.

Latin: Viola tricolor L. ssp. curtisii (E. Forster) Syme in Sowerby

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 2647

Production: Yes

Type: A, C, D

R.S. Reference #: 185, 706, 788               




Viola Tricolor L. G. Arenaria Sond.  T 2647.jpg (107233 byte) 

Tavlen: Viola uliginosa Bess.

Latin: Viola uliginosa Besser

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 2709

Production: Yes

Type: A, C, D

R.S. Reference #: 186, 707, 789



Viola Ulignosa Bess    T2709.jpg (166760 byte) 


Tavlen: Viola uliginosa Schrad*

Latin: n/a

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: n/a

Production: No

Type: A

R.S. Reference #: n/a



Viola Uliginosa Schrad..jpg (108350 byte) 


Tavlen: Viola umbrosa Fr. (V. kamchatkica Ging.)

Latin: Viola selkirkii Pursh ex Goldie

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: Suppl. 3, 130

Production: Yes

Type: C

R.S. Reference #: 708



Viola Umbrosa Fr.  T Supp. 3  130.jpg (108058 byte) 


Tavlen: Viscum album L.

Latin: Viscum album L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1657

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 1131




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