Royal Copenhagen Flora Danica Flowers List Q-R
Here you
will find pictures and information on each flower that has been produced on the
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Quercus foemina Roth. Latin:
Quercus robur L. Nomenclator:
Quercus pedunculata Willd. Tab
#: 1180 Production:
No Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: n/a |
Quercus sessiliflora Sm. Latin:
Quercus petraea L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 2667 Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 395, 1028 |
Ranunculus aconitifolius L. Latin:
Ranunculus platanifolius L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 111 Production:
Yes Type:
A, C R.S.
Reference #: 128, 632 |
Ranunculus affinis R. Br. Latin:
Ranunculus affinis R.Br. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 3029 Production:
Yes Type:
C R.S.
Reference #: 637 |
Ranunculus altaicus Laxm. (R. sulfureus Sol.) Latin:
Ranunculus sulphureus Sol. in C.J. Phipps Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: Suppl. 2, 82 Production: Yes Type:
B R.S.
Reference #: 396 |
Ranunculus arvensis L. Latin:
Ranunculus arvensis L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 219 Production:
Yes Type:
A, C R.S.
Reference #: 129, 633 |
Ranunculus auricomus L. Latin:
Ranunculus auricomus L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 665 Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 397, 1029 |
Ranunculus bulbosus L. Latin:
Ranunculus bulbosus L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 551 Production:
Yes Type:
B R.S.
Reference #: 398 |
Ranunculus Cymbalariae Pursh. Latin:
Ranunculus cymbalaria Pursh Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 2293 Production:
Yes Type:
C R.S.
Reference #: 634 |
Ranunculus Ficaria L. Latin:
Ranunculus ficaria L. Nomenclator:
Ficaria ranunculoides Moench. Tab
#: 499 Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 399, 1031 |
Ranunculus Flammula L. Latin:
Ranunculus flammula L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 575 Production:
No Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: n/a |
Ranunculus glacialis L. Latin:
Ranunculus glacialis L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 19 Production:
Yes Type:
A, B R.S.
Reference #: 130, 400 |
Ranunculus lanuginosus Latin:
Ranunculus lanuginosus Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 397 Production:
Yes Type:
A R.S.
Reference #: 131 |
Ranunculus lapponicus L. Latin:
Ranunculus lapponicus L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 2292 Production:
No Type:
C R.S.
Reference #: n/a |
Ranunculus lapponicus Oed. Latin:
Ranunculus pygmaeus Wahlenb. Nomenclator:
Ranunculus pygmaeus Wahlenb. Tab
#: 144 Production:
Yes Type:
C R.S.
Reference #: 635, 638 |
Ranunculus nivalis L. Latin:
Ranunculus nivalis L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1699 Production:
Yes Type:
C R.S.
Reference #: 636 |
Ranunculus Philonotis Ehrh. Latin:
Ranunculus sardous Crantz. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1459 Production:
Yes Type:
E R.
S. Reference #: 1032 |
Please send me your image |
Ranunculus polyanthemos L. Latin:
Ranunculus polyanthemos L. ssp. polyanthemos Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1700 Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 1033 |
Ranunculus repens L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 795 Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.
S. Reference #: 401, 1034 |
Please send me your image |
Ranunculus reptans L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 108 Production:
No Type:
C R.
S. Reference #: n/a |
Please send me your image |
Ranunculus sp. Oed. Latin:
Ranunculus hyperboreus Rottb. Nomenclator:
Ranunculus hyperboreus Rottb. Tab
#: 331 Production:
Yes Type:
C R.S.
Reference #: 639 |
Ranunculus tripartite Horn. Latin:
Ranunculus baudotii Godron Nomenclator:
Batrachium Petiveri [beta], minor Koch. Tab
#: 1993 Production:
No Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: n/a |
Frangula Alnus Miller Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 278 Production:
Yes Type:
A, B R.
S. Reference #: 132, 402 |
Please send me your image |
Rhinanthus Crista galli L. Latin:
Rhinanthus serotinus (Sch�nheit) Oborny s.l. Nomenclator:
Rhinanthus major Ehrh. Tab
#: 981 Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 1035 |
Rhinanthus minor Ehrh. Latin:
Rhinanthus minor L. s.l. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 2656 Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 1036 |
Please send me your image |
Rhodiola rosea L. Nomenclator:
Sedum Rhodiola DC. Tab
#: 183 Production: Type: R.S.
Reference #: |
Ribes alpinum L. Latin:
Ribes alpinum L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 968 Production:
Yes Type:
A R.S.
Reference #: 133 |
Ribes rubrum L. Latin: Ribes rubrum L Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 967 Production:
E R.S.
Reference #: *B
404? If this is not the same flower, then put �no� under production
and �n/a� under R.S ref #. |
Ribes nigrum L. Latin:
Ribes nigrum L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 556 Production:
Yes Type:
B R.S.
Reference #: 403 |
Ribis Uva crispa L. Latin:
Ribes uva-crispa L. Nomenclator:
Ribes Grossularia L. Tab
#: 546 Production:
Yes Type:
B R.S.
Reference #: 405 |
Rosa sp. Nomenclator:
Rosa tomentosa var. alba. Tab
#: 1215 (same as 555, pg ; 1214, pg ; 2718, pg ; pg ; 2906, pg ; 688, pg ;
1458, pg ; 868, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 406, 1037 |
Please send me your image |
Rosa canina L. Latin:
Rosa sp. Nomenclator:
Rosa canina var. opaca Fr. Tab
#: 555 (same as 1214, pg ; 2718, pg ; 2906, pg; 688, pg; 1458, pg ; 1215,
pg; 868, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 407, 409, 1039, 1040 |
Rosa carelica Fr. Latin:
Rosa acicularis Lindley Nomenclator:
Rosa acicularis Tab
#: Suppl. 2, 75 Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 410, 1049 |
Rosa cinnamomea L. Latin:
Rosa sp. Nomenclator:
R. cinnamomea L. var. foecundissima. Tab
#: 1214 (same as 555, pg ; 2718, pg ; 2906, pg ; 688, pg ; 1458, pg ;
1215, pg ; 868, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
A, E R.S.
Reference #: 1038 |
Rosa dumetorum Lge. Latin:
Rosa sp. Nomenclator:
Rosa coriifolia *
langei Scheutz. Tab
#: 2718 (same as 555, pg ; 1214, pg ; 2906, pg ; 688, pg ; 1458, pg ;
1215, pg ; 868, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 1042 *B
411? |
Rosa sp. Nomenclator:
Rosa cinnamomea L. var. fluvialis. Tab
#: 868 (same as 555, pg ; 1214, pg ; 2718, pg ; 2906, pg ; 688, pg ; 1458,
pg ; 1215, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 412, 1043 |
Please send me your image |
Rosa inodora Fr. Latin:
Rosa sp. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 2906 (same as 555, pg ; 1214, pg ; 2718, pg ; 688, pg ; 1458, pg ;
1215, pg ; 868, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
A R.S.
Reference #: 136 |
Rosa inodora Horn. Latin:
Rosa canina (L.) Cr�pin Nomenclator:
Rosa canina L. var. albiflora. Tab
#: 2233 Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 408, 413 |
Rosa mutica M�ll. Latin:
Rosa sp. Nomenclator:
Rosa cinnamomea L. var. (?) Tab
#: 688 (same as 555, pg ; 1214, pg ; 2718, pg ; 2906, pg ; 1458, pg ;
1215, pg ; 868, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 414, 1045 |
Rosa spinosissima L. Latin:
Rosa pimpinellifolia L. Nomenclator:
Rosa pimpinellaefolia L. Tab
#: 398 Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 415, 1046 |
Rosa suavifolia Lightf. Latin:
Rosa rubiginosa L. Nomenclator:
Rosa rubiginosa L. Tab
#: 870 Production:
Yes Type:
B R.S.
Reference #: 416 |
Rosa tomentosa Sm. Latin:
Rosa tomentosa Sm. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 2719 Production:
Yes Type:
A R.S.
Reference #: 135 |
Rosa villosa Horn. Latin:
Rosa sp. Nomenclator:
Rosa mollissima Wild. (?) Tab
#: 1458 (same as 555, pg ; 1214, pg ; 2718, pg ; 2906, pg ; 688, pg ;
1215, pg; 868, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
B, C, E R.S.
Reference #: 417, 1047 |
Rubus arcticus L. Latin:
Rubus arcticus L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 488 Production:
Yes Type:
A R.S.
Reference #: 137 |
Rubus caesius L. Latin:
Rubus caesius L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1213 Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 1048 |
Rubus castoreus Laest. Latin:
Rubus arcticus x saxatilis Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: Suppl. 2, 76 Production:
Yes Type:
A, B R.S.
Reference #: 138, 418 |
Rubus Chamaemorus Linn. Latin:
Rubus chamaemorus L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1 Production:
Yes Type:
A R.S.
Reference #: 140 |
Rubus sp. Nomenclator:
Rubus villicaulis K�hl. Tab
#: 2414 (same as 3027, pg ; 1697, pg ; 2721, pg ; 1696, pg ; 1163, pg ;
3026, pg ; 2413, pg ; 1992, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
A, B, E R.S.
Reference #: 419, 1050, 1056 |
Please send me your image |
Rubus exilis Lge. Latin:
Rubus sp. Nomenclator:
Rubus Radula* exilis Lge. Tab
#: 3027 (same as 1697, pg ; 2721, pg ;1163, pg ; 1696, pg ; 2414, pg ;
3026, pg ; 2413, pg ; 1992, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
A, B, E R.S.
Reference #: 139, 420, 1052 |
Rubus sp. Nomenclator:
Rubus pyramidalis Kaltenb. (?) Tab
#: 1163 (same as 3027, pg ; 1697, pg ; 2721, pg ; 1696, pg ; 2414, pg ;
3026, pg ; 2413, pg ; 1992, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 1051 |
Please send me your image |
Rubus glandulosus Bell. Latin:
Rubus sp. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1696 (same as 3027, pg ; 1697, pg ; 2721, pg ; 1163, pg ; 2414, pg ;
3026, pg ; 2413, pg ; 1992, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
B R.S.
Reference #: 421 |
Please send me your image |
Rubus idaeus L. Latin:
Rubus idaeus L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 788 Production:
No Type:
B R.S.
Reference #: n/a |
Rubus Radula Whe. et N. E. Latin:
Rubus sp. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 2413 (Same as 1697, pg ; 3027, pg ; 2721, pg ; 1163, pg ; 1696, pg ;
2414, pg ; 3026, pg ; 1992, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
B R.S.
Reference #: 422 |
Rubus sp. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 3026 (same as 3027, pg ; 1697, pg ; 2721, pg ;
1696, pg ; 2414, pg ; 1163, pg ; 2413, pg ; 1992, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
A, E R.S.
Reference #: 1053 |
Rubus Scaiphilus Lge. T
3026] |
Rubus Sprengelii Whe. et N. E. Latin:
Rubus sp. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1697 (same as 3027, pg ; 1163, pg ; 1696, pg ; 2414, pg ; 3026, pg ;
2413, pg ; 1992, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 1054 |
Rubus sp. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1992 (same as 3027, pg ; 1697, pg ; 1163, pg ; 1696, pg ; 2414, pg ;
3026, pg ; 2413, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 423, 1055 |
Please send me your image |
Rubus vestitus Whe. et N. E. Latin:
Rubus sp. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 2721 (same as 3027, pg ; 1697, pg ; 1163, pg ; 1696, pg ; 2414, pg ;
3026, pg ; 2413, pg ; 1992, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
A R.S.
Reference #: 141 *B
424? |
Rumex digynus L. Latin:
Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill. Nomenclator:
Oxyria digyna (L.) Campd. (O. reniformisHook.). Tab
#: 14 Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 1057 |
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