Royal Copenhagen Flora Danica Flowers List M

Here you will find pictures and information on each flower that has been produced on the Royal Copenhagen Flora Danica service. If you are aware of other flowers produced on the famous porcelain service, we at Flora Danica Online would like to reserve a picture of your item.

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Tavlen: Malva moschata L.

Latin: Malva moschata L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab#: 905

Production: Yes

Type: A, D, E

R.S. Reference #: 85, 754, 966



Malva Moschiata L.  T905.jpg (90062 byte) 


Tavlen: Malva silvestris L.

Latin: Malva sylvestris L. ssp. sylvestris

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab#: 1223

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 968



Malva Silvestris L.  T 1223.jpg (199440 byte) 


Tavlen: Malva rotundifolia L.

Latin: Malva neglecta Wallr.

Nomenclator: Malva vulgaris Fr.

Tab#: 721

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 967



Malva Vulgaris Fr.   T 721.jpg (165132 byte) 


Tavlen: Matricaria Chamomilla L.

Latin: Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rauschert.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab#: 1764

Production: Yes

Type: B, C, E

R.S. Reference #: 338, 585, 969  



Matricaria Chamomilla L.  T 1764.jpg (135044 byte) 


Tavlen: Matricaria Parthenium L.

Latin: Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schultz Bip.

Nomenclator: Chrysanthemum Panthenium (L.) Pers. (Pyrethrum Sm.).

Tab #: 674

Production: Yes

Type: B

R.S. Reference #: 340




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Tavlen: Medicago falcata L.

Latin: Medicago falcata L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab#: 233

Production: Yes

Type: A

R.S. Reference #: 86



Medicago Falcata L.  T 233.jpg (125380 byte) 


Tavlen: Medicago lupulina L.

Latin: Medicago lupulina L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab#: 992

Production: Yes

Type: C, E

R.S. Reference #: 686, 971




Medicago Lupulina L.     T992.jpg (85709 byte) 

Tavlen: Medicago polymorpha L. var. minima

Latin: Medicago minima (L.) L.

Nomenclator: Medicago minima Lam.

Tab#: 211

Production: Yes

Type: C

R.S. Reference #: 587




Medicago Minima Lam.  T 211.jpg (102282 byte) 

Tavlen: Medicago sativa L.

Latin: Medicago sativa L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab#: 2244

Production: Yes

Type: A, C

R.S. Reference #: 87, 588




Medicago Sativa L.  T 2244.jpg (126415 byte) 

Tavlen: Melampyrum nemorosum L.

Latin: Melampyrum nemorosum L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 305

Production: Yes

Type: A, C, D

R.S. Reference #: 88, 589, 755




Melanpyrum Nemorosum L.  T 305.jpg (99229 byte) 

Tavlen: Melandrium triflorum (R. Br.) J. Vahl.

Latin: Silene triflora R. Br.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 2356

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 972




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Tavlen: Melilotus arvensis Wallr.

Latin: Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pallas

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab#: 2781

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 973



Melilotis Arvensis Wallr.    T2781.jpg (93376 byte) 


Tavlen: Melilotus dentatus (Waldst. et Kit.) Pers.

Latin: Melilotus dentata (Waldst. & Kit.) Pers.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab#: 1883

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 974





[insert Melilotus Dentatus (Waldst. et Kit.) Pers.   T1883]

Tavlen: Mentha aquatica M�ll.

Latin: Mentha sp.

Nomenclator: Ballota ruderalis Sw.

Tab #: 673

Production: Yes

Type: A, C

R.S. Reference #: 90, 590




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Tavlen: Mentha gentilis * Agardhiana (Fr.)

Latin: Mentha arvensis x spicata nm. verticillata F. Aresch.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 3031



R.S. Reference #:




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Tavlen: Mentha gentilis var. glabrata.

Latin: Mentha arvensis x spicata

Nomenclator: n/a                  

Tab#: 2655

Production: Yes

Type: A, D

R.S. Reference #: 91, 756



Mentha Gentilis var. Glabrata  T 2655.jpg (113288 byte) 



Tavlen: Mentha silvestris L.

Latin: Mentha longifolia (L.) Hudson

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1932

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 975




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Tavlen: Mentha viridis L.

Latin: Mentha spicata L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1876

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 976




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Tavlen: Menyanthes nymphoides L.

Latin: Nymphoides peltata (S.G.Gmelin) O. Kuntze

Nomenclator: Limnanthemum nymphoides (L.) Link (Waldschmiedia Web.).

Tab #: 339

Production: Yes

Type: B

R.S. Reference #: 341



Villarsia Nymphoides Hffg.  T 339.jpg (148883 byte) 




Tavlen: Menyanthes trifoliata L.

Latin: Menyanthes trifoliata L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #:541

Production: Yes

Type: B, E

R.S. Reference #: 977



Menyanthes Trifoliata L.  T 541.jpg (127310 byte) 


Tavlen: Mespilus Cotoneaster L.

Latin: Cotoneaster integerrimus Medicus

Nomenclator: Cotoneaster vulgaris Lindl.

Tab #: 112

Production: Yes

Type: A

R.S. Reference #: 92  




Mespilus Cotoneaster L.  T 112.jpg (102282 byte) 

Tavlen: Montia fontana L. v. major

Latin: Montia fontana L. ssp. fontana

Nomenclator: Montia rivularis Gmel.

Tab #: 1926

Production: Yes

Type: C

R.S. Reference #: 591




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Tavlen: Morus Nigra L.*

Latin: n/a

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: n/a

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 978





Morus Nigra L..jpg (141188 byte) 


Tavlen: Muscari Botryoides DC*

Latin: n/a

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: n/a

Production: Yes

Type: B

R.S. Reference #: 342



Muscari Botryoides DC.jpg (103888 byte) 


Tavlen: Myagrum paniculatum L.

Latin: Neslia paniculata (L.) Desv.

Nomenclator: Neslia paniculata (L.) Desv.

Tab #: 204

Production: Yes

Type: C

R.S. Reference #: 592




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Tavlen: Myosotis arvensis Roth.

Latin: Myosotis arvensis (L.) Hill

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 2766

Production: Yes

Type: B, E

R.S. Reference #: 343, 979



Myosotis Arvensis L.  T 2766.jpg (119345 byte) 


Tavlen: Myosotis caespitosa Schultz.

Latin: Myosotis laxa Lehm. Ssp. Caespitosa (C.F. Schultz) Hyl.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 2283

Production: Yes

Type: C, D, E

R.S. Reference #: 593, 980




Myosotis Caepitosa Schultz.    T 2283.jpg (87137 byte) 

Tavlen: Myosotis deflexa Wahlenb.

Latin: Lappula deflexa (Wahlenb.) Garcke

Nomenclator: Echinospermum deflexum (Wahlenb.) Lehm.

Tab #: 1568

Production: Yes

Type: B, E

R.S. Reference #: 344, 981



Echinospermum Deflexum Lehm.  T 1568.jpg (105835 byte) 


Tavlen: Myosotis palustris With.

Latin: Myosotis scorpioides L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1988

Production: Yes

Type: B, D, E

R.S. Reference #: 345, 757, 982




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Tavlen: Myosotis scorpioides Oed.

Latin: Myosotis sylvatica Hoffm.

Nomenclator: Myosotis silvatica Ehrh.

Tab #: 583, Fig. 1 (sinister.)

Production: Yes         

Type: B, E

R.S. Reference #: 346, 983, 984



Myosotis Silvatica Hoffm.  T 583.jpg (117184 byte) 


Tavlen: Myosotis sparsiflora Mik.

Latin: Myosotis sparsiflora Mikan ex Pohl

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1688

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 985




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Tavlen: Myosotis stricta Link.

Latin: Myosotis stricta Link

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 2285, Fig. 1

Production: Yes

Type: A, C

R.S. Reference #: 594



Myosotis Stricta Link.  T 2285.jpg (120449 byte) 


Tavlen: Myrica Gale L.

Latin: Myrica gale L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 327

Production: Yes

Type: A, B, C

R.S. Reference #: 93, 347



Myrica Gale L.   T 327.jpg (207234 byte) 


Tavlen: Myriophyllum spicatum L.

Latin: Myriophyllum spicatum L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 681

Production: Yes

Type: A

R.S. Reference #: 95




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Tavlen: Myrrhis odorata (L.) Scop.

Latin: Myrrhis odorata (L.) Scop.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1928

Production: Yes

Type: A, B

R.S. Reference #: 348



Myrrhis Odorata Scop.  T 1928.jpg (112568 byte)