Royal Copenhagen Flora Danica Flowers List C
Here you will find pictures and information on each flower that has been produced for the Royal Copenhagen Flora Danica service. If you are aware of other flowers produced on the famous porcelain service, we at Flora Danica Online would like to reserve a picture of your item.
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Caltha palustris L. Latin:
Caltha palustris L. ssp. palustris Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 668 Production:
Yes Type:
B R.S.
Reference #: 234 |
Calypso bulbosa (L.) G. Rchb. Latin:
Calypso bulbosa (L.) Oakes in Z.Thompson Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: Suppl. 2, 99 Production:
Yes Type:
A, C R.S.
Reference #: 21, 504 |
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Campanula glomerata L. Latin:
Campanula glomerata L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1328 Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 849 |
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Campanula hederacea L. Latin:
Wahlenbergia hederacea (L.) Reichenb. Nomenclator:
Wahlenbergia hederacea (L.) Rchb. Tab
#: 330 Production:
Yes Type:
C R.S.
Reference #: 505 |
Campanula latifolia L. Latin:
Campanula latifolia L. Nomenclator:
Campanula latifolia L. var. albiflora. Tab
#: 85 Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 235, 850 |
Campanula persicifolia L. Latin:
Campanula persicifolia L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1087 Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 851 |
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Campanula Rapunculoides L. Latin:
Campanula rapunculoides L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1327 Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 852 |
Campanula Rapunculus L. Latin:
Campanula rapunculus L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1326 Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 853 |
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Campanula Rapunculus M�ll. Latin:
Campanula rotundifolia L. ssp. rotundifolia Nomenclator:
Campanula rotundifolia var. stricta Schum. Tab
#: 855 (same as 189, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
C, D, E R.S.
Reference #: 506, 717 |
Campanula rotundifolia L. var. [gamma] Latin:
Campanula rotundifolia L. ssp. rotundifolia Nomenclator:
Campanula rotundifolia var. uniflora Lge. Tab
#: 189 (same as 855, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
A, C R.S.
Reference #: 22, 507 |
Campanula rotundifolia v. arctica Lge. Latin:
Campanula gieseckiana Vest in Roemer & Schultes var.? Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 2711 Production: Type:
B R.S.
Reference #:
* D? |
Campanula Trachelium L. Latin:
Campanula trachelium L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1026 (same as 2167, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 236, 854 |
Campanula Trachelium L. var. urticifolia Horn. Latin:
Campanula trachelium L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 2167 (same as 1026, pg ) Production: Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 236, 854, 855 |
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Campanula uniflora L. Latin:
Campanula uniflora L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1512 Production:
Yes Type:
C R.S.
Reference #: 508 |
Cardamine bellidifolia L. Latin:
Cardamine bellidifolia L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 20 Production:
Yes Type:
C R.S.
Reference #: 509 |
Cardamine faeroeensis Horn. Latin:
Cardaminopsis petraea (L.) Hiitonen Nomenclator:
Arabis petraea (L.) var. faeroeensis (Horn.). Tab
#: 1392 (same as 386, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
C R.S.
Reference #: 510 |
Cardamine hastulata Sowerb. Latin:
Cardaminopsis petraea (L.) Hiitonen Nomenclator:
Arabis petraea (L.) Lam. Tab
#: 1462 Production:
Yes Type:
A, C R.S.
Reference #: 511 |
Cardamine hirsuta Oed. Latin:
Cardamine hirsuta L. Nomenclator:
Cardamine amara [beta], hirta Wimm. & Grab. Tab
#: 148 Production:
Yes Type:
C, D R.S.
Reference #: 512, 720 |
Cardamine patraea L. Latin:
Cardaminopsis petraea (L.) Hiitonen Nomenclator:
Arabis petraea (L.) [alfa], glabra Tab
#: 386 (same as 1392, pg ) Production: Type: R.S.
Reference #: *
B? is it spelled patraea or petraea? |
Cardamine pratensis L. Latin:
Cardamine pratensis L. ssp. pratensis Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1039 Production:
Yes Type:
D, E R.S.
Reference #: 721, 859 |
Carduus acanthoides L. Latin:
Carduus acanthoides L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 2841 Production:
Yes Type:
A R.S.
Reference #: 23 |
Carduus acaulis L. Latin:
Cirsium acaule Scop. Nomenclator:
Cirsium acaule (L.) All. Tab
#: 1114 (same as 1884, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 238, 857 |
Carduus crispus L. Latin:
Carduus crispus L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 621 Production:
Yes Type:
A R.S.
Reference #: 24 |
Carduus lanceolatus L. Latin:
Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten. Nomenclator:
Cirsium lanceolatum Scop. Tab
#: 1173 Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 858 |
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Carduus nutans L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 675 Production: Type: R.S.
Reference #: |
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Carex bicolor All. Latin:
Carex bicolor All. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 2122 Production:
Yes Type:
C R.S.
Reference #: 513 |
Carlina vulgaris L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1174 Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 860 |
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Centaurea Cyanus L. Latin:
Centaurea cyanus L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 993 Production:
Yes Type:
A, D, E R.S.
Reference #: 25, 722, 861 |
Centaurea nigra L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 996 Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 862 |
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Centaurea Scabiosa L. Latin:
Centaurea scabiosa L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1231 Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 863 |
Centunculus minimus L. Latin:
Anagallis minima (L.) E. H. L. Krause in Sturm Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 177 Production:
No Type:
C R.S.
Reference #: n/a |
Cerastium arcticum Lge. Latin:
Cerastium arcticum Lange Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 2963 Production:
Yes Type:
C R.S.
Reference #: 514 |
Cerastium alpinum L. Latin:
Cerastium alpinum L. ssp. alpinum Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 6 Production:
Yes Type:
A, C, D R.S.
Reference #: 26, 723 |
Cerastium alpinum Vahl Latin:
Cerastium alpinum L. ssp. Glabrata (Hartm.) �.
& D. L�ve Nomenclator:
Cerastium alpinum [beta], glabratum Lindbl. Tab
#: 979 Production:
Yes Type:
A, B, E R.S.
Reference #: 239, 865 |
Cerastium arvense L. Latin:
Cerastium arvense L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 626 Production: Type: R.S.
Reference #: |
Cerastium glutinosum Fr. Latin:
Cerastium pumilum Curtis ssp. glutinosum (Fries) Corb. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 2537 Production:
Yes Type:
C R.S.
Reference #: 516 |
Cerastium semidecandrum L. Latin:
Cerastium semidecandrum L. Nomenclator:
Cerastium semidecandrum L. forma nana. Tab
#: 1212 Production:
Yes Type:
C R.S.
Reference #: 517 |
Cerastium tetrandrum Curt. Latin:
Cerastium diffusum Pers. Ssp. diffusum Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 2117 Production:
Yes Type:
C R.S.
Reference #: 518 |
Cerastium viscosum L. (C. ovale Pers.). Latin:
Cerastium glomeratum Thuill. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1931 Production:
Yes Type:
A R.S.
Reference #: 27 |
Cerastium fontanum Baumg. Ssp.
vulgare (Hartman) Greuter & Burdet var. vulgare Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1645 Production:
Yes Type:
B R.S.
Reference #: 240 |
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Ceratophyllum submersum L. Latin:
Ceratophyllum submersum L. Nomenclator:
Ceratophyllum muticum Cham. Tab
#: 510 Production:
Yes Type:
D R.S.
Reference #: 724 |
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Chamaenerium latifolia [beta], ambiguum Th. Fr. Et Lge. Latin:
Epilobium angustifolia x latifolium Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 2901 Production:
Yes Type:
B, D, E R.S.
Reference #: 242, 800, 867 |
Chamaenerium latifolium [gamma], tenuiflorum Th. Fr. et
Lge. Latin:
Epilobium latifolium L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 2902 (same as 565, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
B R.S.
Reference #: 243, 274 |
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Chelidonium Glaucium L. Latin:
Glaucium flavum Crantz Nomenclator:
Glaucium luteum Scop. Tab
#: 585 Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 925 |
Chelidonium majus L. Latin:
Chelidonium majus L. var majus Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 542 Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 868 |
Chrysanthemum inodorum L. Latin:
Matricaria perforata M�rat Nomenclator:
Matricaria inodora L. (Fl.suec.)(Pyrethrum Sm.) Tab
#: 696 Production:
Yes Type:
B R.S.
Reference #: 244 |
Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum L. Latin:
Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 994 Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 869 |
Chrysanthemum segetum L. Latin:
Chrysanthemum segetum L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 995 Production: Type: R.S.
Reference #: |
Chrysosplenium alternifolium L. Latin:
Chrysosplenium alternifolium L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 366 Production:
Yes Type:
A, B R.S.
Reference #: 29, 245 |
Chrysosplenium oppositifolium L. Latin:
Chrysosplenium oppositifolium Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 365 Production:
Yes Type:
C R.S.
Reference #: 519 |
Cichorium Intybus L. Latin:
Cichorium Intybus L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 907 Production:
Yes Type:
A, B R.S.
Reference #: 246 |
Cineraria campestris L. Latin:
Cineraria integrifolia (L.) Murray ssp. integrifolia Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1177 Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 870 |
Circaea alpina L. Latin:
Circaea alpina L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1321 Production:
Yes Type:
A R.S.
Reference #: 30 |
Circaea alpina x lutetiana Nomenclator:
Circaea intermedia Ehrh. Tab
#: 256 Production:
Yes Type:
D R.S.
Reference #: 725 |
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Circaea lutetiana L. Latin:
Circaea lutetiana L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 210 Production:
Yes Type:
A, B, C R.S.
Reference #: 31, 520 |
Cirsium acaule Scop. Nomenclator:
Cirsium acaule All. [beta], caulescens. Tab
#: 1884 (same as 1114, pg ) Production: Type: R.S.
Reference #: |
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Cistus Helianthemum L. Latin:
Helianthemum nummularium (L.) Miller ssp. obscurum (Celak.) J. Holub Nomenclator:
Helianthemum vulgare G�rtn. Tab
#: 101 Production:
Yes Type:
B R.S.
Reference #: 300 |
Clinopodium vulgare L. Latin:
Clinopodium vulgare L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 930 Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 871 |
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Cochlearia Coronopus L. Latin:
Coronopus squamatus (Forsk�l)
Ascherson Nomenclator:
Senebiera Coronopus (L.) Poir. Tab
#: 202 Production:
Yes Type:
C R.S.
Reference #: 521 |
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Cochlearia danica L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 100 Production:
Yes Type:
C R.S.
Reference #: 522 |
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Cochlearia danica v. integrifolia DC. Latin:
Cochlearia groenlandica L. Nomenclator:
Cochlearia groenlandica L. Tab
#: 1934 Production:
Yes Type:
A R.S.
Reference #: 32 |
Colchicum autumnale L. Latin:
Colchicum autumnale L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1642 Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 872 |
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Comarum palustre L. Latin:
Potentilla palustris (L.) Scop. Nomenclator:
Potentilla Comarum Scop. Tab
#: 636 Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 248 |
Conium maculatum L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 2168 Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 249, 874 |
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Convallaria majalis L. Latin:
Convallaria majalis L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 854 Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 250, 875 |
Convolvolus arvensis var. linearifolia Chois. Latin:
Convolvulus arvensis L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 3013 (same as 3012, pg ; 459, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
D, E R.S.
Reference #: 726, 876 |
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Convolvolus arvensis var. parviflora Lang. Latin:
Convolvulus arvensis L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 3012 (same as 3013, pg ; 459, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 876 |
Convolvolus sepium L. Latin:
Calystegia sepium (L.) R. Br. ssp. sepium Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 458 Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 251, 878 |
Convolvolus (Calystegia) sepium L. [beta], coloratus Lge. Latin:
Calystegia sepium (L.) R. Br. ssp. roseata Brummitt Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 3011 Production: Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 251, 877 |
Convolvulus Arvensis L. Latin:
Convolvulus Arvensis L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 459 (same as 3012, pg ; 3013, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 876 |
Cornus suecica L. Latin:
Cornus suecica L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 5 Production:
Yes Type:
A R.S.
Reference #: 34 |
Coronilla Emerus L. Latin:
Hippocrepis emerus (L.) Lassen ? Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: Suppl. 2, 89 Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 252, 880 |
Corrigiola littoralis L. Latin:
Corrigiola littoralis L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 334 Production:
Yes Type:
C R.S.
Reference #: 524 |
Corydalis fabacea (Retz.) Pers. Latin:
Corydalis intermedia (L.) Merat Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1394 Production:
Yes Type:
A, B R.S.
Reference #: 35, 253 |
Crambe maritima L. Latin:
Crambe maritima L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 316 Production:
Yes Type:
A, B R.S.
Reference #: 36, 254 |
Crataegus Aria Oed. Latin:
Sorbus rupicola (Syme) Hedlund Nomenclator:
Sorbus aria (L.) Crantz. Tab
#: 302, fig. a. (same as 302, fig b, pg ; 301, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
A, E R.S.
Reference #: 881, 1083 |
Crataegus Aria Oed. Latin:
Sorbus x hybrida L. Nomenclator:
Sorbus fennica Kalm. (Fr.). Tab
#: 301 (same as 302, fig a, pg ) Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 881, 1084 |
Crataegus monogyna Jacq. Latin:
Crataegus monogyna Jacq. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1162 Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 255, 882 |
Crataegus Oxyacantha L. Latin:
Crataegus laevigata (Poiret) DC. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 634 Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 256, 883 |
Crataegus torminalis L. Latin:
Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz Nomenclator:
Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz. (Pyrus torm. Ehrh.). Tab
#: 798 Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 884 |
Crepis virens var. capillaris (L.) Fr. Latin:
Crepis capillaris (L.) Wallr. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 2545 Production:
Yes Type:
A R.S.
Reference #: 37 |
Crocus vernus (L.) Hill Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 2042 Production:
Yes Type:
A, B R.S.
Reference #: 38, 258 |
Cucubalus acaulis L. (Syst. Nat) Latin:
Silene acaulis (L.) Jacq. Nomenclator:
Silene acaulis L. (Fl. Lapp.) Tab
#: 21 Production: Type: R.S.
Reference #: *C
525? |
Cucubalus Behen L. (repens) Latin:
Silene uniflora Roth ssp. uniflora Nomenclator:
Silene maritima With. Tab
#: 857 Production:
Yes Type:
B, D, E R.S.
Reference #: 259, 727, 885 |
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Silene viscosa (L.) Pers. (Viscago glutinosa Baumg.) Nomenclator:
Silene viscosa (L.) Pers. (Viscago glutinosa Baumg.) Tab
#: 1209 Production: Type: R.S.
Reference #: *E 1072? |
Picture Not
Available |
Cuscuta europaea L. Latin:
Cuscuta europaea L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 199 Production:
No Type:
C R.S.
Reference #: n/a |
Cuscuta lupuliformis Krock. Latin:
Cuscuta lupuliformis Krocker Nomenclator:
Cuscuta monogyna Vahl. Tab
#: 2224 Production:
No Type:
B R.S.
Reference #: n/a |
Cuscuta Trifolii Bab. Latin:
Cuscuta epithymum (L.) L. ssp. trifolii (Bab.) Hegi Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 2893 Production:
Yes Type:
A, B, E R.S.
Reference #: 260, 886 |
Cynoglossum officinale L. Latin:
Cynoglossum officinale L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 1147 Production:
Yes Type:
B, E R.S.
Reference #: 261, 887 |
Cypripedium Calceolus L. Latin:
Cypripedium calceolus L. Nomenclator:
n/a Tab
#: 999 Production:
Yes Type:
E R.S.
Reference #: 888 |
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