Royal Copenhagen Flora Danica Flowers List G

Here you will find pictures and information on each flower that has been produced on the Royal Copenhagen Flora Danica service. If you are aware of other flowers produced on the famous porcelain service, we at Flora Danica Online would like to reserve a picture of your item.

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Tavlen: Gagea lutea (L.) var. glaucescens Lge.

Latin: Gagea lutea (L.) Ker-Gawler

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 3016

Production: Yes

Type: A

R.S. Reference #: 53




Gagea Lutea L. var. Glaucescens Lge.  T  3016.jpg (112649 byte) 

Tavlen: Galanthus nivalis L.

Latin: Galanthus nivalis L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1641

Production: Yes

Type: A, B

R.S. Reference #: 54, 284




Galanthus Nivalis L.  T 1641.jpg (103496 byte) 

Tavlen: Galeopsis cannabina Poll.

Latin: Galeopsis speciosa Miller

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 929

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 912




Galeopsis Versicolor Curt.  T 929.jpg (133533 byte) 


Tavlen: Galeopsis Galeobdolon L.

Latin: Lamiastrum galeobdolon (L.) Ehrend. & Polatscheck ssp. galeobdolon

Nomenclator: Galeobdolon luteum Huds.

Tab #: 1272

Production: Yes

Type: B, D, E

R.S. Reference #: 285, 737, 913




Galeopsis Galeobdolon L.       T1272.jpg (103155 byte) 

Tavlen: Galeopsis Ladanum L.

Latin: Galeopsis ladanum L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1757

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 914




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Tavlen: Galeopsis ochroleuca Lam.

Latin: Galeopsis segetum Necker

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1650

Production: Yes

Type: A, B, E

R.S. Reference #: 286, 915




Galeopsis Ochroleuca Lam.  T 1650.jpg (163517 byte) 

Tavlen: Galium trifidum L.

Latin: Galium trifidum L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 48

Production: No

Type: C

R.S. Reference #: n/a




Galium Trifidum L.  T 48.jpg (103564 byte) 

Tavlen: Galium verum L.

Latin: Galium verum L. ssp. verum

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1146

Production: Yes

Type: D, E

R.S. Reference #: 738




Galium Verum L.  T 1146.jpg (101540 byte) 

Tavlen: Genista germanica L.

Latin: Genista germanica L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1826

Production: Yes

Type: A, B, E

R.S. Reference #: 287, 916




Genista Germanica L.  T 1826.jpg (114758 byte) 

Tavlen: Genista pilosa L.

Latin: Genista pilosa L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1225

Production: Yes

Type: B, C

R.S. Reference #: 288, 552




Genista Pilosa L.      T1225.jpg (81820 byte) 

Tavlen: Genista tinctoria L.

Latin: Genista tinctoria L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 526

Production: Yes

Type: A, B, C, D

R.S. Reference #: 56, 289, 553, 739




Genista Tinctoria L.    T526.jpg (90099 byte) 

Tavlen: Gentiana campestris L.

Latin: Gentianella campestris (L.) Brner ssp. campestris

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 367

Production: Yes

Type: A, B, D

R.S. Reference #: 58, 290, 740




Gentiana Campestris L.  T  367.jpg (111005 byte) 

Tavlen: Gentiana Centaurium L.

Latin: Centaurium erythraea Rafn ssp. erythraea

Nomenclator: Erythraea Centaurium (L.) Pers.

Tab #: 617

Production: Yes

Type: A

R.S. Reference #: 59




Erythraea Centaurium (L.) Pers.  T 617.jpg (92664 byte) 

Tavlen: Gentiana corolla 4-fida etc. Oed.

Latin: Gentiana tenella (Rottb.) B�rner

Nomenclator: Gentiana tenella Rottb.

Tab #: 318

Production: Yes

Type: C

R.S. Reference #: 557



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Tavlen: Gentiana corolla 5-fida etc. Oed.

Latin: Gentianella detonsa (Rottb.) G. Don fil.

Nomenclator: Gentiana serrata Gunn. (G. detonsa Rottb.).

Tab #: 317

Production: Yes

Type: A, C

R.S. Reference #: 556




Gentiana Corolla 5-Fida etc. Oed.   T317.jpg (116567 byte) 

Tavlen: Gentiana germanica Willd.

Latin: Gentianella germanica (Willd.) E. F. Warburg

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: Suppl. 2, 67

Production: No

Type: B

R.S. Reference #: n/a




Gentiana Germanica Willd.  Supp. 2 67.jpg (122132 byte) 

Tavlen: Gentiana nivalis L.

Latin: Gentiana nivalis L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 17

Production: Yes

Type: C

R.S. Reference #: 554




Gentiana Nivalis L.       T17.jpg (76966 byte) 

Tavlen: Gentiana Pneumonanthe L.

Latin: Gentiana pneumonanthe L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 269

Production: Yes

Type: C, D

R.S. Reference #: 555, 801




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Tavlen: Gentiana quinquefolia Oed.

Latin: Gentianella aurea (L.) H. Smith

Nomenclator: Gentiana aurea L. (G. involucrata Rottb.).

Tab #: 344

Production: Yes

Type: A

R.S. Reference #: 60




Gentiana Aurea L.  T 344.jpg (101444 byte) 

Tavlen: Gentiana sp. Oed.

Latin: Lomatogonium rotatum (L.) Fries ex Fernald

Nomenclator: Pleurogyne rotata (L.) Griseb.

Tab #: 343

Production: Yes

Type: C

R.S. Reference #: 795




Gentiana Sp. Oed.    T343.jpg (100038 byte) 

Tavlen: Geranium bohemicum L.

Latin: Geranium bohemicum L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: Suppl. 2, 71

Production: Yes

Type: A, E

R.S. Reference #: 917




Geranium Bohemicum L.  T Supp. 2  71.jpg (117727 byte) 

Tavlen: Geranium cicutarium L.

Latin: Erodium cicutarium (L.) L�Hrit.

Nomenclator: Erodium cicutarium (L.) Willd.

Tab #: 986

Production: Yes

Type: B, E

R.S. Reference #: 291, 918



Geranium Cicutarium L.  T 986.jpg (135570 byte) 


Tavlen: Geranium dissectum L.

Latin: Geranium dissectum L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 

Production: Yes

Type: B, C, E

R.S. Reference #: 292, 558, 919




Geranium Dissectum L.  T 936.jpg (104451 byte) 

Tavlen: Geranium lucidum L.

Latin: Geranium lucidum L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 218

Production: Yes

Type: B, E

R.S. Reference #: 293, 920



Geranium Lucidum L.   T 218.jpg (236326 byte) 


Tavlen: Geranium molle L.

Latin: Geranium molle L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 679

Production: Yes

Type: B

R.S. Reference #: 294




Geranium Molle L.  T 679.jpg (109917 byte) 

Tavlen: Geranium palustre L.

Latin: Geranium palustre L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 596

Production: Yes

Type: B

R.S. Reference #: 295




Geranium Palustre L.     T596.jpg (78929 byte) 

Tavlen: Geranium phaeum L.

Latin: Geranium phaeum L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 987

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 922



  Geranium Ph�um L.  T987.jpg (127069 byte)



Tavlen: Geranium pusillum L.

Latin: Geranium pusillum L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1994

Production: Yes

Type: A, B, C, E

R.S. Reference #: 296, 559, 924




Geranium Pusillum L.     T1994.jpg (124686 byte) 

Tavlen: Geranium pyrenacium L.

Latin: Geranium pyrenaicum Burm. fil.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 2240

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 923


*spelled purenaicum on rs list and pyrenoeicum on service list (pg 1).. which spelling is right?




Geranium Pyrenoeicum L.  T 2240.jpg (103612 byte) 

Tavlen: Geranium robertianum L.

Latin: Geranium robertianum L. var. rubricaule Hornem.

Nomenclator: Geranium robertianum [beta], rubricaule Horn.

Tab #: 694

Production: No

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: n/a




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Tavlen: Geranium sanguineum L.

Latin: Geranium sanguineum L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 1107

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 921




Geranium Sanguineum L.    T1107.jpg (100597 byte) 

Tavlen: Geranium silvaticum L.

Latin: Geranium sylvaticum L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 124

Production: Yes

Type: A, B

R.S. Reference #: 62, 297




Geranium Silvaticum L.  T 124.jpg (117365 byte) 

Tavlen: Geum rivale L.

Latin: Geum rivale L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 722

Production: Yes

Type: A

R.S. Reference #: 63




Geum Rivale L.    T 722.jpg (173746 byte) 

Tavlen: Glaux maritima L.

Latin: Glaux maritima L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 548

Production: No

Type: C

R.S. Reference #: n/a




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Tavlen: Glecoma hederacea L.

Latin: Glechoma hederacea L.

Nomenclator: Glechoma hederaceum L.

Tab #: 789

Production: Yes

Type: D

R.S. Reference #: 741




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Tavlen: Gnaphalium alpinum L.

Latin: Gnaphalium supinum L.

Nomenclator: Gnaphalium supinum L.

Tab #: 332

Production: Yes

Type: C

R.S. Reference #: 562




  Gnaphalium Supinum Willd.       T332.jpg (77683 byte)

Tavlen: Gnaphalium arenarium L.

Latin: Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench

Nomenclator: Helichrysum arenarium (L.) DC.

Tab #: 641

Production: Yes

Type: B

R.S. Reference #: 298




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Tavlen: Gnaphalium dioicum L.

Latin: Antennaria dioica (L.) Gaertn.

Nomenclator: Antennaria dioica (L.) R. Br.

Tab #: 1228

Production: Yes

Type: A, C

R.S. Reference #: 64, 563




Gnaphalium Dioicum L.  T 1228.jpg (113130 byte) 

Tavlen: Gnaphalium uliginosum [gamma], glabrum Koch.

Latin: Gnaphalium uliginosum L.

Nomenclator: Gnaphalium nudum Hoffm.

Tab #: 2474

Production: Yes

Type: C

R.S. Reference #: 564



Gnaphalium Nudum Hoffm.     T2474.jpg (99067 byte) 


Tavlen: Gratiola officinalis L.

Latin: Gratiola officinalis L.

Nomenclator: n/a

Tab #: 363

Production: Yes

Type: E

R.S. Reference #: 926




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